9 Things Your Child Needs To Know For Less SATs Stress

9 Things Your Child Needs To Know For Less SATs Stress

Year after year we’ve seen shocking headlines of 11 year olds smoking to handle the stress and statistics that make parents cringe. Last May the BBC’s Newsround show reported that nearly 9 in 10 children feel pressure to do well and 39% said they felt worried.

Here are 9 things your child needs to know to help them stress less about SATs:

You’ll love them whatever their result
Your child doesn’t want to let you down. Knowing that your love for him/her is totally unconditional is the ultimate foundation for your child’s self-esteem, confidence and resilience.

Their best is always good enough
Different people have different strengths. Whatever they do, they can only do their best. And that’s enough for you.

SATs are a way to show off what they’ve learned
This shifts what SATs are all about. They’re not about trying to trip your child up. They’re a chance to shine by showing off…in a good way.

Their SATs do not make any difference to them as a person
SATs aren’t a way of measuring how good they are. Regardless of their results, your son or daughter can still go out and achieve their dreams.

Their teacher will not judge themon the SATS
They know your child well and have seen what they’re truly capable of away from any test pressure. Some people get more nervous than others and that’s ok, no teacher feels let down.

Their teacher is safe whatever their results
Because they’ve been taught by them all year, some children get protective of their teacher. Knowing the teacher won’t get into trouble will re-assure your child too.

Their results won’t affect which secondary school they get into
Your child’s friends are important so any fear of loss of them may alarm them. However SATs have no bearing on this.

Their results will only be used to help them
Their new teachers will only use the results to help them plan work next year. They simply help them to understand how they can best help them learn.

Because the results don’t matter…
They might as go full out to do their best. As adults we’re afraid of failure and that can picked up by our children. There’s nothing at stake with SATs so there’s nothing to lose…

Here’s the ONE thing parents need to know…
Help is at hand at www.jackcherry.com with free materials to reduce SATs stress.

Jack Cherry Limited is a social enterprise helping primary pupils stress less and do better in their SATs

Jack Cherry is the 11 year hero and wannabe chef who’s the star of Jack Cherry’s Remarkable Recipe for Success – a fun packed activity video and poster