“The Midnight Inferno” by A.M. Keen is published

“The Midnight Inferno” by A.M. Keen

Exciting new horror novel from the author of Witch, Haunted, The Tales of Averon and Worlds Apart

About the Book:

When news of an electrical disturbance reaches the Millers Fall Police Department, no one imagined the fate of the officers sent to investigate. Unable to contact their colleagues, the remaining officers plan their own search, but stop as the night sky turns to an amber haze. With five officers missing, Sheriff Mason Palmer is forced to investigate. Anomalies befall the town, worrying its residents. With no explanation of these events, Palmer’s only lead appears with Mitchum Hoyt, the leader of a backwoods cult living in isolation. As the investigation deepens, Palmer realises the relevance of Hoyt’s preaching. They’re coming.…

Excerpt from the Book:

“A shiver passed along Brent’s spine. The pungent aroma of damp bracken filled the air. The cool breeze of a late spring swirled within the greenery. The canopy above swayed and rattled with each gust. Those footfalls drew closer. A bird cawed in the distance, its call echoing the length and breadth of the woodland they explored.
He turned back to Jay. “Just stay the hell down.” The amber glow of a lantern illuminated the leaves. “Shit!” Brent contained his fear no longer. A man, huge in stature, held the historic light source at arm’s length. A long, wiry beard protruded from his jaw. Greasy, shoulder-length hair swept across his face. The giant’s hand emerged, pushing the wayward strands back. Brent trembled as the man stopped, scouring the area, shining the lamp in every direction.
“Who’s out here?” the giant shouted. His voice bellowed with malice. Brent gasped, holding his breath. The man squinted, one eye larger than the other. “I heard you!”

The Midnight Inferno is available in paperback from Amazon UK at:


and in e-book format at:


Press/Media Contact Details:

Darin Jewell
Managing Director
The Inspira Group Literary Agency
Tel. 0208 292 5163
E-mail: darin@theinspiragroup.com