Marketing Logic expands to launch the UK’s first end-to-end Scale-Up service for MARTECH vendors

With a track record of bringing leading Marketing Technologies to the UK, we launched this week the UK’s first dedicated end-to-end Scale-Up service for Marketing Technology businesses.

Recognising London’s place as a vibrant hot-spot for tech start-ups, particularly in the marketing space, the new service aims to grow technology businesses and deliver them value far more rapidly than they could do independently.

“We always hear the same story from tech entrepreneurs. They have matured their software products, having grown organically, but need help in making that step-change in scale. The pain of hiring entire marketing, sales and services teams can be too much, especially if it’s the first time they have tried to do it.”

said Emily Chadwick, CEO of Marketing Logic.

“There are a wealth of fresh and hungry businesses out there that need mature growth mechanisms to scale their sales and successfully setup and manage their customers. We are committed to helping these teams to do this while giving them the headroom to manage the pressure of juggling their profile and responsibilities as London entrepreneurs.

Ex ad-agency Director and Marketing Logic’s President Charles Kirchner adds.

“Our expertise and success in bringing businesses to the UK and expanding them, means that we can plug in to tech companies and have them represented in the UK as an established, multi-team business almost overnight”.

Our service offering differs from most business builders by offering an end-to-end service from initial market validation through to selling SaaS platforms, setting up the customers, supporting users and account managing them to make sure they have a single positive experience with the vendors’ solutions, managed by skilled resources.