How a Bangladesh Shrimp Hatchery went from “Zero-to-Hero”

Thanks to Seafood Manufacturers and Bangladesh exporters, the country raises and exports almost 70,000 tons of shrimp every year, adding up to more than one-half of a billion U.S. dollars and hiring more than 1.2 million individuals.

Through Bangladesh Suppliers, majority of Bangladesh’s exported shrimp amounts out of 300,000 little aquaculture farms that becomes dependent upon hatchery-raised, domesticated broodstock.

Throughout the 2015 shrimp season, a hatchery has developed and traded 25 million bug-free shrimp post larvae in a successful manner, heightening the productiveness and financial gains of various large-scale and more than 500 shrimp farmers. With Hawaiian Biotech Organization’s expertness and financing from USAID’s Aquaculture for Profit and Nourishment project, a hatchery’s aim, within co-action of 3 other private individual hatcheries, is to raise 500,000 million post larvae this year.

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