Global Press release,
Paperless Homework Sdn Bhd

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
23rd November, 2016

First time ever, Keywords System (AKS), makes print ads powerful again

A startup company, Paperless Homework Sdn Bhd- a Malaysian MSC status company, announced a new service called AGEGoogle Keywords system (AKS), which can possibly change the whole way companies and everyone advertise their products and services both online or offline in the physical world.

Alan Foo, the current CEO, stated “Many companies, newspapers, social media owners, e commerce companies, government etc will benefit from using AKS through the ease of using keywords /phone numbers in any language to reach any website. AKS keywords can be promoted through use of AGEGoogle Logos with keywords in all kinds of advertising materials (see at ).

With Keyword System , we expect real world advertising from newspapers ads to giant billboards to increase as AKS makes all these media becoming ‘alive’ and super charged. Imagine ads all over the places showing keywords that lead to websites on the fly. This would make print ads attractive again as print ads are superb for targeted audiences while online are superb for getting users around the web with lots of info.

One only needs to key into their mobile/PC, the keywords/phone numbers displayed in the ads e.g. banners, to access different messages at different times. It is thus powerful for companies, governments, political parties to use. For the first time, sites advertised are easily reached.

How does AGEGoogle Keyword System (AKS) work.
AKS has two elements, the search engine (which it uses the google search 100%) and a super URL shortening service that uses keywords/phone numbers to access the web sites directly.
Thus AKS can provide instantly three results. The Google Search engine results plus the AKS’s own web site indexing service that goes to the exact sites desired. If a valid web site is keyed it e.g, it immediately goes to the web site just like a normal browser.

So AKS is a 3 in 1 (general results, precise result, websites) where other systems currently are 2 in 1 (general results and websites). Most important is AKS keywords can be promoted through these ways

AKS helps e-commerce sites to grow
AKS helps e-commerce grow faster growth as currently the only way for an ecommerce site to grow is continuous adverting by the ecommerce operator – one entity lacking reach. With AKS, all the participating merchants would be advertising and bringing traffic to their stores in the ecommerce sites using methods shown here thus giving e –commerce sites a great deal of traffic without investments.

Bottom up vs Top down advertising
AKS’s bottom up approach instead of the current top down advertising approach is far more effective and should greatly help e-commerce in each country to grow sustainably. It encourages the owners of products to advertise in print forms to get customers linked their own listings in ecommerce sites. This would be a big plus for the e-commerce industry. It marries the offline ads to online sites.

Main beneficiaries would be advertising companies e.g. newspapers, TVs etc as now offline ads can be “alive” and more effective than online ads.
AKS Service is available worldwide.
The AKS system is smart enough to differentiate keywords meant for country or international.
The country’s keywords take precedent over the internationally indexed similar keyword.

Alan added that to get AKS global is a huge challenging task and hence will look forward to seek partnerships all over the world to develop the market.

It is free to create ‘open’ keywords with unlimited hits
Keywords are freely created subject to the companies terms and conditions of use at or

Released by
Paperless Homework Sdn Bhd
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
Whatsapp : 60173551075