Membrane Chemical Market Will hit at a CAGR of 8.1% by 2014 to 2020

This Future Market Insights report examines the membrane chemicals market for the period 2014–2020. The primary objective of the report is to offer comprehensive information and trends in global membrane chemicals market, creating substantial impact on water and wastewater treatment market.

Membrane chemicals are the specialty chemicals that are used to treat membranes, largely reverse osmosis (RO) membranes installed in different water and wastewater treatment plants across various industry verticals. Use of membrane chemicals is not limited to RO membranes, but also expands to UF (Ultra filtration) NF (Nano filtration) and MF (Micro filtration). In water intensive industries such as power, chemical, wastewater treatment, etc. demand for process water has outstripped the supply, globally. Due to increasing water scarcity and amplified demand for process water, industry operators emphasized on recycle and re use of process water.

The global membrane chemicals market was worth US $ 1013.8 million in 2013 and is expected to register a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period 2014 and 2020. Rise in demand for process water across various end-use industries and increase in demand for effective solutions to prevent membrane fouling and scaling are the major driving forces behind the vertical surge in demand for membrane chemicals.

In the next section, FMI covers the Membrane Chemicals market performance in terms of Global Membrane Chemicals revenue split. This section additionally includes FMI’s analyses of the key trends, drivers and restraints from the supply, demand and economy side, which are influencing the Membrane Chemicals market. Impact analysis of key growth drivers and restraints, based on the weighted average model is included in the membrane chemicals report to better equip and arm clients with crystal clear decision-making insights.

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The primary focus of the following section is to analyse the membrane chemicals market by adoption among verticals; the primary verticals covered under the scope of the report are membrane chemicals product type, end use sectors and regions. Furthermore, the membrane chemicals product type vertical is split into scale inhibitors, dechlorinants, biocides, coagulants & flocculants, pH adjusters & other product types. The Membrane chemicals end use sectors are classified as municipal, power, food & beverage, chemicals, desalination, paper & pulp, pharmaceutical and other end use sectors. The global membrane chemical market is analysed by geography with a differential analysis of North America, Latin America, East Europe, West Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa. A detailed analysis has been provided for every vertical and sub-vertical in terms of market size.

The next discusses the key trends contributing to growth of the membrane chemicals market on a worldwide basis, as well as analyses the degree at which global economic, demand and supply side drivers are influencing this market in each region. The study also covers the demand and supply restraints with key trends.

All the above sections, by product type, by region or by end use sectors, evaluate the present scenario and the growth prospects of the membrane chemicals market for the period 2014 –2020. We have considered 2014 as the base year and provide data for the trailing 12 months.

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To calculate the membrane chemicals market size, we have considered revenue generated from the sale of scale inhibitors, dechlorinants, biocides, coagulants & flocculants, pH adjusters & other product types. The forecast presented here assesses the total revenue by value across the membrane chemicals market. In order to offer an accurate forecast, we started by sizing the current market, which forms the basis of how the membrane chemicals market will develop in the future. However, forecasting the market in terms of various product types, verticals uptake and regions is more a matter of quantifying expectations and identifying opportunities rather than rationalising them after the forecast has been completed.

In addition, it is imperative to note that in an ever-fluctuating global economy, we not only conduct forecasts in terms of CAGR, but also analyse on the basis of key parameters such as year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth to understand the predictability of the market and to identify the right opportunities across the membrane chemicals market.

As previously highlighted, the membrane chemicals market is split into a number of sub categories. All the membrane chemical sub-categories in terms of end use sector, region and product type are analysed in terms of Basis Point Share to understand individual segments’ relative contributions to market growth. This detailed level of information is important for the identification of various key trends of the membrane chemicals market.

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Also, another key feature of this report is the analysis of all key membrane chemical segments, sub-segments, regional adoption and verticals revenue forecast in terms of absolute dollar. This is traditionally overlooked while forecasting the market. However, absolute dollar opportunity is critical in assessing the level of opportunity that a provider can look to achieve, as well as to identify potential resources from a sales and delivery perspective in the membrane chemicals market.

Furthermore, to understand key growth segments in terms of growth & adoption of membrane chemicals product type and regions, Future Market Insights developed the membrane chemicals market Attractiveness Index. The resulting index should help providers identify real market opportunities.

In the final section of the report, membrane chemicals Competitive landscape is included to provide report audiences with a Dashboard view, based on categories of provider in the value chain, presence in membrane chemicals portfolio and key differentiators. This section is primarily designed to provide clients with an objective & detailed comparative assessment of key providers specific to a market segment in the membrane chemicals value chain. Detailed profiles of the providers are also included in the scope of the report to evaluate their long-term and short-term strategies, key offerings and recent developments in the membrane chemicals. Key competitors covered are Kemira Oyj, BWA Water Additives, GE Power & Water, Veolia Water, Nalco Ecolab Holding Company, Genesys International, H2O Innovation Inc. and Lenntech BV.