FREE 7-day UK call answering trial with Pocket Receptionist

Businesses small & large to benefit from 7-day free UK call answering trial from Pocket Receptionist.

According to new research by call answering company Pocket Receptionist, estate agents lose an average of £322 on each telephone call they miss. (This is based off our internal stats from & interviews with some estate agents to gauge the average value of their calls. From this we learned that 1 in 10 calls is usually a sale, and worked out an average value of their sales)

What’s more, even the best staffed businesses miss 34.53% of their inbound sales calls.

With three minimum wage rises in the past year and the introduction of the mandatory pension, businesses are under increased pressure to keep staff head counts as low as possible. The role of a receptionist is widely accepted as the most inefficient of all, with less than a quarter of a receptionist’s time spent answering the phone. (Someone in the office found this on the net, I’m unable to find the source currently though! Should we remove or re-word this, or just wing it?)

Matt Rayner, Pocket Receptionist General Manager, said, “With the rising cost of online advertising and greater levels of competition, it’s never been more critical to capture every inbound call, customer enquiry or support call. Answering every inbound call quickly and professionally is likely to provide a boost to new business enquiries and keep existing customers. Long waits, engaged tones, and being put on hold aren’t good for business.”

There is nothing new in outsourcing and typically larger organisations take the lead. However, smaller companies are catching up by utilising services like Pocket Receptionist to help provide an immediate boost to revenue whilst cutting wage bills.

Call answering services in the UK have seen a huge increase in customer subscription numbers over the last 2 years, reflecting customer needs for efficiencies in the work place. Pocket Receptionist has seen a 120% increase in its customer base over the last 6 months and have just launched a completely free 7-day trial to enable potential customers to see the benefits. No credit card or payment details required.

To find out more, or to start your free trial, ring Pocket Receptionist on 0800 009 6380, or email the team via

Alternatively you can set up your free trial at