Web Design West Lothian

Bathgate is not unlike other small towns, they all have the same lack of investment issue’s.
Our high streets are empty and the pull of the shopping centres has pulled consumers away from the streets, is it any wonder the turn around for some businesses is only couple of years; how many hairdressers have closed down and another re-opened in same plot, only to close a couple of years later.

Local businesses need to move with changing trends, consumers now have access to shop in their hands and the majority of people utilise this. The rise in mobile shopping and access to the internet has changed the way people shop for products or services, we can now shop when traveling or sitting watching tv.
The savvy will at least google your business to find your website, if you are not found, then they may move on to a business that does.

Whats the solution, adopt the new ways of the digital marketing game.