EXILES FROM THE MOOR by Pauline Morphy is published

A moving children’s story about losing a parent and a girl’s love for horses

More information: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/exiles-from-the-moor-pauline-morphy/1120168407

About the Book:

Jess is an eleven-year-old girl whose passion in life is horses, in particular her Exmoor pony, Marmalade. The death of her father has forced her mother, Pam, to leave their moorland home and take a job in rural Surrey, a restricting environment for a free spirit like Jess. Her only consolation is that she is allowed to take Marmalade with her. At her first Pony Club Rally, Jessʼs pony is ridiculed by smartly mounted children. She resolves to have nothing more to do with them and to devote herself to restoring the health of an elderly mare, owned by her motherʼs employer. However, Jess is influenced by her new friends and, together, the children are swept along by a series of exciting, even dangerous events, culminating in Jess and Marmalade becoming not only heroines of the Pony Club but with horse lovers far and wide.

About the Author:

Pauline Morphy describes herself in childhood as, \”Belonging to the Thelwellian branch of the Pony Club.\” At the age of ten she parted company with a wildly bucking Dartmoor mare; she sustained severe concussion and a chronic obsession with native ponies of which she has owned four. In 1990 she became one of the founder members of Stour Valley Riding Club. She is a passionate supporter of animal welfare and royalties earned by this novel will be paid straight to World Horse Welfare.

Excerpt from the book:

“There was silence, then a scurrying noise as they urged their ponies into trot; their unrestrained laughter carried back to Jess with snatches of: \”I\’m not a hartebeest, I\’m a gnu. G\’no, g\’no, g\’no, I\’m a gnu…\”

The song was one of many that Jess’s father used to sing to her when she was tiny. He made funny faces and they laughed together; now Jess couldn’t even smile.

Marmalade, apparently unconcerned, ambled over and nudged her gently. Jess flung her arms around her neck, telling her she was the most wonderful and beautiful pony in the World and, not doubting her, Marmalade gave a long, satisfied sigh.”

Exiles from the Moor is available in paperback from Amazon at:


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This children’s story can also be downloaded in e-book format from:


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EXILES FROM THE MOOR by Pauline Morphy is published