How to conserve Earth’s resources and save money by minimising energy consumption in the home

Informative environmentally-friendly book entitled “21st Century Electricity” by D J Haskell is published

About the Book:

It is incredulous that we drill the seabed for fossil fuels with its associated industrialisation, spoilage and pollution when the sea alone with its tides, waves and currents can offer far more limitless environmental means to produce energy.

The bounds of credibility are stretched even further with the pursuance of large scale wind generation in the UK. This madness will surely go down in history as one of the greatest scams of the 21st century, especially when the second highest tidal range on the planet is to be found in the Bristol Channel, offering the potential to generate a significant percentage of UK electrical energy – future generations will find it hard to understand why we allowed government to pursue their insane energy strategy, and will not easily forgive our blindness and lethargy in these matters.

We abuse the planet in many ways – the oceans are polluted from pole to pole with plastic and other waste – as a consequence there is injury and death to many marine creatures trapped by, or attempting to eat this obnoxious waste – it would appear the days of the fabulous albatross are indeed numbered. This is not to ignore the unforgiveable over-fishing of many marine stocks.

On land, amongst many other atrocities, there is the shameful pursuit of ivory tusks with the killing of a large number of elephants to the point of extinction – sadly rhino numbers have dropped dramatically due to poaching for their horn which is prized in Asian countries. They also face threats from habitat loss and political conflict.

We may feel, as ordinary citizens that we have little or no control over the global environment, but this is not so, as we can all have a cumulative effect in reducing emissions and conserving Earth resources by minimising our energy consumption in the home. This can easily be achieved whilst saving a significant amount of money each year and without sacrificing creature comforts, simply by following the guidance and choices given in this book.

Excerpt from the Book:

“Everything the Wind Energy Associations never wanted to see in print!

The scientific facts and truths about the inadequacies of wind power and the horrendous cost both to the consumer and to our lives and countryside.

We do need sources of alternative energy but wind does not even deserve that name because as this timely exposé shows it is nothing but a very costly add-on extra that can do little or nothing to slow climate change. Neither can it give us security of electricity supply without continuous back up from fossil fuel fired power stations. Read all about it and then join the thousands of people who are campaigning across the British Isles against these wind monsters.”

Note sent by author to Pembrokeshire Life editor:

We are all very conscious these days of ever-increasing energy costs and with winter fast approaching we can become anxious of how cold the weather will be, resulting in high energy bills – especially worrying for those on fixed incomes. With an El Nino event currently in the Pacific the prospect of a cold winter appears to be on the cards. So a book by a west Wales man and former telecommunications manager which shows how to reduce our household energy bills has to be more than welcome. The author, during his career, worked in most power stations in Wales, including the Dinorwig pumped-storage hydro-electric power station in Llanberis.

Speaking to the Pembrokeshire Life, David, who saved £1100 on energy in his current Ceredigion home during 2014, said considerable savings were also made in their previous four-bedroomed detached in Boncath, Pembrokeshire. The chapter on energy saving is simply a welcome bonus and will quickly return the cost of the book, although the initial intention was to write a book exposing and challenging the claimed effectiveness and need for electricity generated from the wind ¬ indeed the foreword is written by none other than author, broadcaster and environmental campaigner, David Bellamy OBE, who calls the book a “timely expose” saying that, “Everything the wind energy associations never wanted to see in print!” Although David pointed out that during his early research it became obvious that to put wind generation into context many other factors needed to be considered, so the book evolved into a brief history of the power industry, weather and climate, tidal mechanics, other environmental friendly means of producing electricity, plus a look to the future. Indeed having read the book, most people will not be too sure if they will wish to have a Œsmart meter installed, and will be shocked to realise how the Sun could bring about the collapse of our technological dependent society ¬thrilling stuff for a cold winter’s night.

21st Century Electricity by D J Haskell is available in paperback from at:

and from Amazon UK at:

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