“Rebel Without a Clue, The Jester’s Tale” by Roger Crawford is published

“Rebel Without a Clue, The Jester’s Tale” by Roger Crawford is published

A revealing account of the author’s fight as a Fathers 4 Justice member to maintain contact with his daughter

About the Book:

Roger was born in 1948 and adopted at birth. He was brought up in the north-west London suburbs and enjoyed a carefree childhood in a world totally different to that of today. Sent to a private Grammar School because his socialist parents were so concerned at his lack of academic ability, he was the only pupil in the history of the School to become a Farm apprentice. Embracing the free-thinking of the late-60s and early-70s, and concerned that many city children did not know anything of rural life, he founded a charitable society which gave country holidays for free to disadvantaged city children and for a time lived a bohemian type of life in a converted coach. He also founded and ran a successful Youth Club and ran Gardening classes for the London Borough of Harrow.

After happily living with a lady 20 years older for thirteen years, he then fell in love with and had a daughter by a married lady his own age. His battle to be a part of his daughter’s life is vividly recorded in his story, and the prejudice and sheer inhumanity of the Family Court system is described in detail. Protests on roofs followed, plus standing for election in Oxford East in 2010. Roger has also battled the Planning system to enable him to stay on his smallholding in Bedfordshire. This is an entertaining journey through his life with many laugh-out-loud moments as well as the pathos surrounding the loss of his only child. Roger has been married for twenty years to Rosa and lives and works on his smallholding as well as driving a local school bus. He still works for parents and children’s rights and is a vocal campaigner against child abuse in all its forms.


“The final Hearing was listed for 24th May. For the only time throughout these Hearings I was late, due to problems on the road. For the only time throughout these Hearings, it started on time. It was listed for ‘all day’. Payne accepted that I’d had a difficult journey (but had previously denied my request to move the whole farce to Watford. I’d expressed dissatisfaction with the goings-on at Oxford at the previous Hearing. Another mistake!). All-day Hearing? Fat chance. It lasted twenty minutes.

Maybe Payne had an urgent appointment at the golf course that afternoon. I’d only received a copy of Shirley’s statement (which contained several ‘inaccuracies’) the day before, and wasn’t even allowed to comment on it. Payne acknowledged that I’d made ‘profound observations’ but when I mentioned that we were here to discuss Heather’s best interests, he dismissed that as ‘inappropriate’. What was ‘appropriate’ then? I made to walk out but was threatened with the Tipstaff (alias Court bouncers).

You guessed – no contact, no communication allowed, no nothing. Heather was not present as she was ‘too distressed’ to be in the same Court as me. The alienation was complete.”

Rebel Without a Clue, The Jester’s Tale by Roger Crawford is available in paperback from Amazon UK at:


The book is also available to purchase on Amazon USA at:


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