A collection of Humorous poems about growing up

“Growing Up Takes Ages”
By Mike Carter

A collection of Humorous poems about growing up

From birth to teenage years

Illustrated throughout by award winning illustrator
Kate Smith

About the Book:

From one to twelve apart from play
Boys and girls have lots to say

They laugh and cry and have fun to

Always finding things to do
Aunties uncles and lots more
Sometimes come in through the door

so written here some things they say

while waiting to go out to play
Seaside Christmas dentists to
Playschool, paper planes that flew

in verses here inside the pages

it’s clear that growing up takes ages

Excerpt from the Book:

“I have a strange old auntie, my mummy calls her flo
She hasn’t got a lot of hair, but her fingernails still grow.
She covers me in kisses, and calls me by my name
Then pinches me upon the cheek, she’s always been the same.

When we sit down to dinner, she always clears her plate
Because we have steak and kidney, and auntie thinks it’s great.
But on a day called Sunday, I didn’t know what to do
Her really shiny teeth came loose, and fell into the stew.

Now auntie flo is leaving, she has someone to meet
She says he is a pensioner, who lives just down the street.
“I’ll see you all next Sunday, hope you’re in when I arrive”
Well auntie flo is eighty two, so what happens when you’re five?

Growing Up Takes Ages is available in paperback from Amazon at:


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