A trip into the future changed a person’s perception of life

Author Howard believes the word ‘God’ is obsolete and has replaced it with a modern equivalent. In this and the future world of advanced technology, the language of all divine existence is mathematics. Contained in the human body are quantum formulae, DNA, equations, and binary codes. The body controlled by the brain also contains unseen quantum particles that link the physical to the ethereal.
Quantum mechanics also release visions into other worlds and the past and future timelines.

Storyteller Robin G Howard releases four new short science fiction fantasy stories one of which is – Equations of Divinity referring to a technological divinity that replaces the word, God. The observation of a strange spheroid reveals the mathematical formulae in all objects and all living entities including metaphysical text formulated thought and prayers. The title of the book is Adventures in Space and Fiction Fantasy published in electronic format and then paperback. It reveals incredible journeys showing astounding visions never before seen by any mortals. Other stories include – The Monadic Chair – Mosaic Death, and Judiciary of the Hoverers. The stories are suitable for anyone with an insatiable imagination from teens to grandparents creating radical thought and ideas.

Howard lives in Kent. The UK, and is the author of the Jim Long Space Agent series of six books; the Psychic Thinker, and How to think like a Modern Mystic. The book series is in the science fiction fantasy genre and includes the supernatural and paranormal. In the 1960’s while serving five years in the RAF, a trip to the future allowed observation of an incredible incident. Throughout this life, many other lesser events attributed to a sixth sense also contributed to the belief of mathematical divinity. The stories are not to question people’s faith but to project new ideas and a way of thinking differently from ancient ritualistic theology.


For more information, please contact:
Robin G. Howard. – for all complimentary ebook review copies – and interviews only –
admin@allinterestbooks.co.uk – science fiction fantasy.uk