Amusing book entitled BUT THAT’S NOT ANOTHER STORY by Rogeri is published

Poetry and Pulp Fiction come together in one story

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About the Book:

\”Written strictly tongue-in-cheek with a large dose of poetic license coupled with pulp fiction overtones and underlying black comedy,\” is how author Rogeri (his pen name) describes his recently published book. But That\’s Not Another Story is an offbeat tale of interconnected stories involving a variety of far-fetched scenarios laced with charmless characters. Each chapter\’s chain of events gradually evolves, leading to the next extreme set of circumstances as a result of a telephone call. Interspersed with sexual situations of a mixed nature (although such scenes are composed in the best possible taste!) the chapters are accompanied by an illustration for the purpose of illuminating each opening scene. The story ultimately completes a full circle, leading to the opening chapter\’s character\’s dire set of circumstances that result in a dramatic and conclusive ending.

But That’s Not Another Story is available in paperback from Amazon:

Press/Media Contact Details:

New Generation Publishing
Tel. 01234 712 064

Amusing book entitled BUT THAT’S NOT ANOTHER STORY by Rogeri is published