Boatman Productions announces Kickstarter Campaign for new mobile game: Battle Boats – Pirate Attack™

San Francisco, California, November 30, 2015: Boatman Productions LLC is proud to announce the launch of its Kickstarter Campaign for its new mobile game: Battle Boats – Pirate Attack ™. According to Brian Eisberg, CEO and Admiral, “Battle Boats – Pirate Attack marks a bold, revolutionary advance in mobile gaming with breathtakingly realistic graphics, imaginative characters, amusing storylines and addictive game play. Most importantly, this game will be fun to play and addictive for gamers of all ages, with an international, cross-cultural appeal. And with the generous financial assistance, creative ideas, recommendations and contributions of Kickstarter backers and enthusiastic gamers all over the world, Battle Boats – Pirate Attack could easily be the Mobile Game of the Year for 2016.”
David Walwyn, Boatman Productions Partner and Chief of the Boat, adds, “This will be an epic game, with spectacular graphics and historically colorful characters. As the Player progresses along the treasure map and unlocks new levels, there will be battles at sea as well as on islands as the gamers are challenged to carefully navigate through treacherous terrain. Players will battle each other, rough weather, sea creatures, monsters and other interesting land and sea obstacles along the way until they reach and retrieve the hidden buried treasure at the end of their journey. Even better, they get to be the Pirate plundering the High Seas and then the Admiral defending all that is Good and Fair!” For additional fun, if reaching the stretch goals, it is going to be added a College Tournament where Players can compete, both students and alumni, anywhere in their country, with nearby countries or Players from different colleges and universities across the globe!
Eileen Eisberg, Boatman Productions’ Creative Director and First Mate, also notes, “From the very beginning, we wanted to make Battle Boats – Pirate Attack a mobile game that had the visual graphics and challenges of console games with the easy game-play and portability of a mobile app. Staying true to this mission, we’ve had help on the journey from fans, players and game development professionals in the United States and around the world.” The development team leaders are located in India and are the finest creative and technical professionals in the business. Webguruz is true to their motto: “What we promise, we deliver!” Webguruz took this excellent game and turned it into an amazing, richly detailed and totally addictive adventure.”
Dave Walwyn summarized, “It’s all about the fun for the Players!”
All game players around the world, please contribute a small amount of money and write any content suggestions for this game at Kickstarter Project Site:
For additional details, visit the game website: . Also check out the studio website: Enjoy the Kickstarter Backer rewards.
Ahoy Mateys! The team invites gamers all aboard to contribute to the birth and growth of the awesome Battle Boats – Pirate Attack! mobile game sailing through the Pirate infested portions of the world’s Seven Seas!”