A study to find ways to help small and medium sized businesses in the UK navigate their way through BREXIT
Brexit is changing the rules. Consequently, YOUR needs are changing.
But it does seem the vultures are circling (a bit like the Y2K millennium bug, for those that were around then) the hype way outstrips the reality, but FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) is the order of the BREXIT day.
For example, recent headlines:
• A whole BREXIT industry is springing up, with Whitehall ready to pay up to £5,000 a day for lawyers and £1,000 for management consultants.
• Business Consultants Are Having a Great BREXIT.
• BREXIT boom for lawyers and consultants as UK businesses race for referendum advice.
So, beware, consultants love to complicate issues and then solve them. It is how they stay in business. Who was it that said? “While businesses and industries may differ, many of the problems they face are similar. However, too much has been made of these differences, and not enough has been made of the similarities.”
To help us all I am doing a study on the effectiveness and affordability of advice and solution to help small businesses in the UK navigate their way through BREXIT. Mainly because we have already had some challenges finding effective and affordability BREXIT advice.
I want to ask if you could share some thoughts on what your experience has been?
Your insight will contribute to research I’m conducting to help a lot of people get better BREXIT advice and solutions, which I hope will make handling the transition less stressful.
If this is initiative is successful I plan to open up some discussion channels / blogs to help others in a similar position.
And YOU don’t have to worry about employing consultants or a lawyer to prepare YOUR BREXIT impact and mitigation plans (simply ask them to validate if you want their endorsement). We estimate this could save the average firm around £5,000-£7,000.
You will of course receive a copy of the suggestions and outcomes of the survey.
Could you complete this Survey? It should only take 6 to 10 minutes. Your contact details are confidential and answers will be anonymous.