Forecasting the Future of Material Science Engineering

Operating Committee of Materials Science-2015 invites researchers, academicians, scientists, Institutions, corporate entities, associations and students from across the world to attend the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Material Science and Engineering during September 14-16, 2015, at Florida, USA with the theme “Highlighting and Focusing on future prospects in Materials Science & Engineering”.

More information: Materials Science-2015

Operating Committee of Materials Science-2015 invites researchers, academicians, scientists, Institutions, corporate entities, associations and students from across the world to attend the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Material Science and Engineering during September 14-16, 2015, at Florida, USA with the theme “Highlighting and Focusing on future prospects in Materials Science & Engineering”.
Materials Science-2015 is designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address recent advancements and new strategies for development of new materials for global requirements with an objective to install a dialogue between industries and academic organizations and knowledge transfer from research to industry. Materials Science-2015 covers the areas of Materials Science and Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy, Nanotechnology in Materials Science Surface Science and Engineering, Biomaterialsand Tissue Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Polymer Technology, Emerging fields in Materials Science and Nanotechnology.
Material Science and Engineering make great contribution to ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, construction materials and other high technology processing areas. It offers great scope in the fields of Energy, electronic and communications, computing devices and solid-state lighting. Current research includes bulk crystal growth, organic semiconductors, Thin films and nanostructure growth, and soft lithography. Semiconductors materials and fabrication processes facilitate rapid spread of microprocessors and memory devices.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) produces annual wage estimates for more than 800 individual occupations. Newly released figures for 2012 put BLS Code 19-2032 (an occupational group encompassing materials scientists) in 82nd place in yearly wages. The group, which includes 7,970 employees across the country, posted an average annual salary of $89,740.s
Florida is hosting the International conference Material Science-2015 as the world class academic and research centers like American Society for Testing of Materials: ASTM, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Materials Research Society, Metal Powder Industries Federation, International Union of Materials Research Societies, Institute of Materials, UK, American Ceramics Society, and Society for Biomaterials have been promoting world class research in Material Sciences & Engineering.
Corporate entities like, GoodFellow: Metals and Materials for R&D, RefMet Ceramics: Diamond, PVD, Ceramic coatings, Zircar: fibrous ceramics, SiNeramics: silicon nitride, ECC International, and CERAMIC GROUP are creating necessary atmosphere to promote research in this field. Premier academic institutes like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Northwestern University, Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Organizing Committee covers a broad range of topics to discuss on this international platform by conducting keynote lectures, plenary speeches, workshops and poster presentations. Materials Science-2015 highlights on advancements in Materials Science & Engineering and Nanotechnology.

Forecasting the Future of Material Science Engineering