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To enjoy the best results, matching the projection screen and in particular the screen gain with the ambient light and the projector output is critical. In reality a projector screen being nothing more than a passive device, it may sound strange that we talk about ‘gain’ when but yes distribution of reflected light on a screen surface matters. This is where screen gain which measures the ability of the screen to direct incident light back to the audience comes into picture. Representing the ratio between incident light and reflected light, the gain number plays a crucial role in selection of a Projector Screen. A white surface flat matte has a gain of approximately 1 while a grey screen has a gain less than 1 and therefore, it attenuates incident light. On the other hand, reflective screens direct more incident light back to the audience as they have gains greater than 1; Gain represents peak screen gain as it is always measured in front and perpendicular to the screen at the point of maximum brightness and occurs at the zero viewing angle perpendicular to the screen surface. The gain drops as one moves to the side and view the screen at an angle to the perpendicular drawn from the centre of the screen for a screen with gain greater than one. Here the ‘half gain viewing angle’ is the angle at which screen gain falls to half the peak. If viewed from this angle, one will see the image half as bright as the person seated at the centre with dimmer projected image as one moves further away from the centre. Narrower the supported viewing angle will appear when the screen gain increase and based on this one has to pay for a higher screen gain which is in fact achieved by directing more light towards the centre viewing positions rather than allowing for a uniform reflected light over a wider angle of view. For more details visit at

When deciding which technology to use for your display which is one of the key choices in your set-up – a direct view monitor, a rear projection television (RPTV), or front projection television (FPTV). For an immersive BIG PICTURE experience from the vast sea of choices, ultimately choosing a front projection system will always be beneficial. Any projection system that is comprised of two distinct parts: a projector (usually mounted on the ceiling or on a shelf or back wall, sometimes even on a coffee table) and a screen to display the projected image, forms a front projection television (FPTV). With the feature of enlarging the image as large as you want, front projectors are ideal for large-screen viewing as long as you have the space for it and your projector has adequate brightness and detail. There are some designed to reflect light in a neutral and even fashion while some paints particularly off-white colours with a matte finish absorb so much light that they can cut down the brightness of your image, instead of enhancing it. Again there finished latex paints like semi-gloss and gloss which are so revealing and overly reflective that any minor defect in the wall will be accentuated by the paint, and this can prove very distracting when trying to enjoy a film. When working with today’s digital projectors, a pure white wall is not always the best colour choice, though it may seem counterintuitive. From a screen with a light grey colour, most LCD, DLP and LCOS projectors benefits as this can enhance the perceived contrast ratio, making blacks look their deepest black and improving colour saturation (more on screen colour choice later). A screen needs to have a dark (preferably black) non-reflective border or frame to further enhance perceived contrast making colours “pop” and prevents light bleed around the edges of the image. Diy projector screen material from our store will paint Your Own Projection Screen to bring in the comfort you desire for. For more details visit at
