Global Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Market (2016-2022)-6Wresearch

Global Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Market (2016-2022)-6Wresearch

Global Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Market (2016-2022)
Market Forecast by Components (Microcontroller, Photodetector and LED), Verticals (Retail, Museums, Campus and Street Light) and Regions (Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific)

Report Description

Projected growth in the LED lighting market, growing demand for the fast and secure data transfer and increasing internet penetration are some of the major factors which have resulted in the overall growth of the global Li-Fi market. In Li-Fi system, LED light component accounted for majority of the system cost.

According to 6Wresearch, Global Li-Fi Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 115% during 2016-22. Amongst all applications, retail application acquired largest revenue share of the market pie globally. Over the next six years, campus and street light applications are forecast to grow at a relatively higher CAGR during 2016 to 2022.

European region held major share in the Global Li-Fi systems market in terms of revenue, owing to increasing deployment of Li-Fi systems in retail, museums, street light and small scale commercial offices. Additionally, over the next six years, Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow relatively higher than other regions attributed to large LED lighting market; China and Japan likely to register highest deployment for Li-Fi systems in the coming years.

The report thoroughly covers the market by Li-Fi network components, by applications and by regions. The report provides unbiased and detailed analysis of the on-going trends, opportunities/ high growth areas, market drivers, which would help stakeholders to device and align market strategies according to current and future market dynamics.

Key Highlights of the Report
• Historical data of Global Li-Fi Market for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Global Li-Fi Market until 2022
• Historical data of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – LED for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – LED until 2022
• Historical data of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Microcontroller for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Microcontroller until 2022
• Historical data of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Photo Detector for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Photo Detector until 2022
• Historical data of America Li-Fi Market Revenue for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of America Li-Fi Market Revenue until 2022
• Historical data of Europe Li-Fi Market Revenue for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Europe Li-Fi Market Revenue until 2022
• Historical data of Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Revenue for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Size & Forecast of Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Revenue until 2022
• Historical data & Forecast of Global Li-Fi Vertical Market Revenue for the Period 2011-2015
• Market Drivers and Restraints
• Players Market Share and Competitive Landscape

Markets Covered
The report provides the detailed analysis of the following market segments:
• Components
o LED Lights
o Microcontroller
o Photo Detector
• Verticals
o Retail
o Museums
o Campus
o Street Lights
• Regions
o Americas
o Europe
o Asia-Pacific

1 Executive Summary
2 Introduction
2.1 Key Highlights of the Report
2.2 Report Description
2.3 Market Scope & Segmentation
2.4 Research Methodology
2.5 Assumptions
3 Global Li-Fi Market Overview
3.1 Global Wireless Communication Market Overview
3.2 Global Li-Fi Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
3.3 Global Li-Fi Industry Life Cycle
3.4 Global Li-Fi Market Opportunity Matrix
3.5 Global Li-Fi Market Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
3.6 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Components (2015 & 2022F)
3.7 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Vertical (2015 & 2022F)
3.8 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Region (2015 & 2022F)
4 Global Li-Fi Market Dynamics
4.1 Impact Analysis
4.2 Market Drivers
4.2.1 Faster and Safer Data Transfer
4.2.2 Less Energy Consumption
4.2.3 RF Spectrum Bandwidth Crunch
4.3 Market Restraints
4.3.1 Dominance of Competing Technology (Wi-Fi)
4.3.2 Short Range Coverage of Li-Fi
5 Global Li-Fi Market Trends
5.1 Integration of VLC in Connected Devices
5.2 Large Scale Deployment of LED Lights
6 Global Li-Fi Market Overview, By Components
6.1 Global Li-Fi Market, By Components
6.2 Global Li-Fi Component Market Revenues– LED (2011-2022F)
6.3 Global Li-Fi Component Market Revenues–Microcontroller (2011-2022F)
6.4 Global Li-Fi Component Market Revenues– Photo Detector (2011-2022F)
7 Global Li-Fi Market Overview, By Applications
7.1 Global Li-Fi Market, By Applications
7.2 Global Retail Li-Fi Component Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
7.3 Global Museums Li-Fi Component Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
7.4 Global Campus Li-Fi Component Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
7.5 Global Street Lights Li-Fi Component Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
8 Americas Li-Fi Market Overview
8.1 Americas Li-Fi Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
9 Europe Li-Fi Market Overview
9.1 Europe Li-Fi Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
10 Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Overview
10.1 Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Revenues (2011-2022F)
11 Company Profile
11.1 Acuity Brand Lighting, Inc
11.2 General Electric Company
11.3 Koninklijke Philips N.V
11.4 Lightbee Corp.
11.5 LVX System Corp.
11.6 PureLi-Fi Ltd
11.7 Oledcomm
14 Key Strategic Pointers
15 Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1 Evolution of Wireless Communication Network
Figure 2 Global Li-Fi Market Revenues, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 3 Global Li-Fi Market Revenues, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 4 Global IT Spending Market, 2013-2020F ($ Trillion)
Figure 5 Global Li-Fi Market Industry Life Cycle (2015)
Figure 6 Global Li-Fi Market Opportunistic Matrix, By Applications (2015)
Figure 7 Global Li-Fi Market Porters Five Forces
Figure 8 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Components (2015)
Figure 9 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Components (2022F)
Figure 10 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Applications (2015)
Figure 11 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Applications (2022F)
Figure 12 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue Share, By Region (2015)
Figure 13 Global Li-Fi Market CAGR, By Components (2022F)
Figure 14 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – LED, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 15 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – LED, 2016E-2022F($ Million)
Figure 16 Global LED Light Market Revenue, 2011-2022F ($ Billion)
Figure 17 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Microcontroller, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 18 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Microcontroller, 2016E-2022F($ Million)
Figure 19 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Photo Detector, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 20 Global Li-Fi Market Revenue, By Components – Photo Detector, 2016E-2022F($ Million)
Figure 21 Global Li-Fi Market CAGR, By Applications (2022F)
Figure 22 Global Retail Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 23 Global Retail Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F($ Million)
Figure 24 Global Retail Sales, 2011-2022F ($ Trillion)
Figure 25 Global Museums Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 26 Global Museums Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 27 Global Campus Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 28 Global Campus Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F($ Million)
Figure 29 Global Street Light Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 30 Global Street Light Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 31 America Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 32 America Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 33 America LED Light Market Revenue, 2011-2022F ($ Billion)
Figure 34 US Retail Sales, By Stores 2010-2020F ($ Billion)
Figure 35 Europe Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 36 Europe Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 37 Europe LED Light Market Revenue, 2011-2022F ($ Billion)
Figure 38 Western Europe Retail Sales Market, 2011-2020F ($ Trillion)
Figure 39 Internet Penetration of Top 6 countries in Europe, 2010-2016 ( % of Population)
Figure 40 Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2011-2015 ($ Million)
Figure 41 Asia Pacific Li-Fi Market Revenue, 2016E-2022F ($ Million)
Figure 42 Asia Pacific LED Light Market Revenue, 2011-2022F ($ Billion)
Figure 43 Asia Pacific Retail Sales Market, 2011-2020F ($ Trillion)
Figure 44 Internet Penetration of Top 3 countries in Asia Pacific Region, 2010-2016 ( % of Population)

List of Tables
Table 1 Global Top 10 Countries Internet Penetration (2016)
Table 2 Global List of Universities, By Countries (2015)
Table 3 U.S. Internet Penetration (2010-2016)
Table 4 General Electric Market Revenue Share, By Segments (2015)
Table 5 Philips Market Revenue Share, By Segments (2014 & 2015)


Growing internet penetration and increasing issue of RF spectrum bandwidth crunch have bolstered the growth in Global Li-Fi market. Further, growing global IT spending from $3.68 trillion in 2013 to $3.73 trillion in 2014 coupled with growing government projects to provide location based positioning are few factors that are spurring the market for Li-Fi globally.

The Global Li-Fi market is primarily driven by retail and museums applications. However, street light application market is expected to experience a major growth in forecast period attributed to growing deployment of Li-Fi systems to provide location based services to the consumers.

Amongst all the regions, European region has generated largest revenue share of the market pie, however during the forecast period, Asia-Pacific region is likely to become the largest contributor globally.

“Global Li-Fi Market (2016–2022)” report estimates and forecast the overall Global Li-Fi market by revenue, by components, by applications such as retail, museums, campus and street lights and by region such as the America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. The report also provides insights on market trends, company profiles, market drivers and restraints.

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