How skipping rope helped me to lose body-fat

By Linda Parker
February 20, 2016

Manchester, UK – I had a major problem for a few last months – I couldn’t lose any body-fat no matter how often and how hard I exercised. The change came during January when I finally decided to do away with ugly fat around my belly and booty. 

When everyone was making an annual New Years’s resolution and buying memberships to the gyms, I was searching on the Internet and looking for some skipping rope. Yes, seriously! 
There is a large selection of skipping ropes, mainly on Amazon, and it’s not easy to pick just one of them. After a long deliberation I decided to buy NutriChamp® Leather Skipping Rope Golden Stallion.
I needed a high-quality skipping rope made from the leather, because only this ensures a long life of the rope and makes very smooth rotation thanks to the ball bearings.
Another important criteria was that the skipping rope has to be weighted! Only this way you can achieve the maximum results from your training. 
Wooden handles fitted perfectly into my hands and no one could stop me then.

It didn’t take long and everyone around me could see the first signs of progress! Skipping is an amazing fat burner if you do it properly and regularly three or four times a week. You’d have to run an eight-minute mile to work off more calories than you’d burn skipping rope! Every training session started with 10 minutes warm-up consisted of 60 seconds single unders, 30 seconds rest a this repeat four times.

The duration of the main phase should be around 20-25 minutes. In case you are a beginner, like I was, put the additional weights out of the wooden handles and put them back after two weeks of exercising. 
So, do 45 seconds of high-knees (if it is too much, do fast single unders instead) and 15 seconds rest, do it for 4 minutes and then rest 2 minutes. Repeat 3-6 times.
That’s it! I lost 8 kilograms during last 7 weeks! And I’m not done yet.

All this thanks to the amazing Golden Stallion skipping rope, now available on : 

Address : 71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden