International SAP Conference for Utilities

The International SAP Conference for Utilities is SAP’s flagship global utility industry conference. Bringing together SAP executives, solution experts, users, prospective users, partners, and more, this event is the must attend event in 2017 for business and IT professionals in the utilities industry.

Co-located with the International SAP Conference for Oil and Gas – creating a global hub of over 1000 energy industry professionals – our 3 day agenda has been built to offer attendees a unique mix of in-depth learning, benchmarking, interaction and networking.

Highlights will include:

• An extensive array of deep-dive preconference workshops on 28 March
• Keynote presentations from the Portuguese Secretary of State of Energy, Blockchain expert Professor Jens Strüker, European Commission, SAP’s Peter Maier and more
• Customer case studies from a range of global utilities – why did they choose SAP, what business benefits are they realizing, how have they overcome challenges?
• A vibrant exhibition showcasing SAP and partner innovation
• Meet the expert sessions, microforums, demos, and numerous opportunities to interact and learn
• Opportunities to meet privately with SAP’s executives and solution experts
• Evening networking event at the beautiful Convento do Beato
…. and much more

Don’t miss the opportunity to join us in the beautiful city of Lisbon and truly understand how innovation from SAP is powering the next generatio utility.

For further information please visit