launches an affiliate program & announces world-wide search for partners, online security & privacy solutions provider, announces an affiliate program launch and welcomes prospective partners to join the global network of its affiliate family members.
Win-win partnership is the core concept of present-day marketing, as well as sensitive socio-political issues in our fragile world. This approach is beneficial for each party involved and allows employing resources optimally, without creating threats, misunderstandings or shortages. It is of utmost importance for the overall improvement of our conditions of life.
Having this tendency in mind, announces the launch of its own affiliate program that is created to attract people interested in new online technologies and security issues. The company undertakes both short-term and long-term measures in order to create the network of reliable partners capable to make such terms as “Web Safety” and “Web Security” more familiar and acceptable for end users, for their own benefit. Online protection is essential but not so wide-spread among laymen, unfortunately; general public is not well-aware of the problem and negative consequences it is fraught with.
For a web surfer, being stripped of due protection can be metaphorically equaled to the lack of a space suit for an astronaut or a bullet-proof vest for a policeman. In case you don’t want to become a prey to hackers and other cybercriminals, proper protection of digital devices, important data stored on or transmitted via them, as well as online communication channels is a must.
The abovementioned affiliate program will turn useful for both business-minded, solid entrepreneurs who aim at making good profit, and for those who aspire to change the world for better by making Internet absolutely free and accessible for everyone, everywhere. In some respects, it can be considered an activity equal to charity, as affiliates will spread the word on web security / freedom and, thus, contribute to the noble cause of expanding the borders and breaking the limits of WWW – the matter which is especially sensitive for some regions with geo-restricted content (China, North Korea, Russia – with its most recent LinkedIn blockage – as well as some Arab countries).
Since August 2013, Privatoria s.r.o ( has been providing online security solutions: VPN, VPN Tor, Proxy, Proxy Tor, and anonymous e-mails. Anonymous communication, data encryption and secure web surf are integrated within 2 complex packages of online security services – VPN Tor / Proxy Tor.
The company’s team has 10-year experience in IT (possessing a patent for utility model No.85414 “Confidential data transmission method” of 25.11.2013); it has passed through restructuration times & renewed its activities with enhanced vigor.
Media Contact Information
Privatoria s.r.o.
Kremencova 186/7
Prague 1
Czech Republic
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