ROXOA Group Looks to the Future

The Newcastle-based e-commerce company ROXOA Group has been causing ripples lately, not least because of the sudden boost to their online presence, but also due to their on-going expansion, as well as the affiliate-backed marketing initiatives that have drawn a new wave of attention to their website portfolio. For all we know they could’ve been struck by some secret premonition, since they seem intent on shaking-up the industry and rocketing into a successful future.

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It’s not uncommon for e-commerce directors to outsource a lot of what defines their business, such as content, design and thereby their entire brand identity, to freelance professionals. While some might consider this the accepted norm, ROXOA Group are helping to set a new market standard using a tightly-knit team of designers and developers, whereby every minute change to each store is performed in-house and openly discussed. Nothing is outsourced, instead every one of the professionals that work under the ROXOA flag has a vested interest in holding it proud and carrying it high. The copywriter, web designer, graphic artist and sales team are all direct representatives of ROXOA Group. Every one of them understands the inner-workings of the company and the direction in which it’s heading. What this creates is a much more familial atmosphere and a consistent voice; unique, knowing and bold enough to echo over the competitive clamour of the e-commerce industry. By keeping everything in-house ROXOA’s website portfolio can also be maintained at a visceral level, without any delays or chinks in the chain of communication.

“I always liked the idea of bringing all these departments under one roof,” said David Adams, CEO of the ROXOA Group, “That way we can feel as though we’re all involved, to some degree, in every aspect of the company.” Presently ROXOA Group’s long scope sights are set on the launch of their latest online store, Gold Boutique, which has been flagged as their biggest and most content-rich site yet. And that’s not even to mention the fresh collection of gemstone and Diamond jewellery they’ve arranged, complete with vivid back stories, professional photographs and the guarantee of hallmarked and high quality pieces.

ROXOA Group Looks to the Future

Further information: ROXOA Group Looks to the Future – visit