Security Reviewer transfers its R&D in Republic of Moldova

August,1 2016. With 25+ years of experience in development of IT Solutions, Security Reviewer, a British IT firm, due to Brexit, moves its R&D department to East.
Further to open in Italy on 2015, Security Reviewer establishes a new company in Republic of Moldova, in charge of outsourcing its Research & Development dept.
There are good reasons software and IT services exports from Moldova increased ten-fold in just eight years. The country’s internet speeds are among the fastest in Europe and enable easy communications with the rest of the world. The economy is stable and expanding, with government programs, foreign direct investment, and organic activity
all fueling growth. After a few years of solid growth, the Moldovan IT market will boom. A recent IDC whitepaper* says the signs are all there. The IT market is currently hardware dominated but:
the 5-year average software and services spending growth rate exceeds the hardware rate; broadband penetration is rapidly expanding among businesses; and telco competition
is driving uptake of handsets and household internet. Moreover, the government is committed to utilizing ICT to facilitate business. It has already implemented electronic reporting in major cities, will make permits and licenses easier to apply for online, and has plans to expand electronic
services for the commercial sector. As in other Central and Eastern European countries, the net
impact will drive demand for IT generally and for industry-specific solutions, fostering innovation and technical savvy.
Beginning from 2014 the Republic of Moldova obtained the status of the associated country to the Horizon 2020 –
The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, technological development and demonstration
activities (H2020), which is the main instrument for funding of research in Europe.
Security Reviewer started to collaborate with Moldavian institutions from September 2014.

About Security Reviewer:
Security Reviewer is a private owned company established in United Kingdom with 30+ smart workers. Our products include Security Reviewer, Quality Reviewer, Binary Reviewer and a SaaS service called Cloud Reviewer, all focused on SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing). Recently we added a new SaaS Service, called Mobile Reviewer for which we registered the international brand to the worldwide copyright office. This SaaS Service offers an Hybrid Android and iOS apps analysis, with unique features. Security Reviewer increase is capabilities with continous Research task, inside Horizon 2020 framework.