Spread Your Tax Liability with a Tax Loan

Northamptonshire, England – 4/11/2017
Performance Finance offers businesses an opportunity to manage their finances in an efficient manner by relieving them of the pressure of paying a tax bill, all at once. By doing this they not only have a better cash flow but also an open funding line from banks in case they need financing from banking institutions.
There are several taxes that have to be paid by an individual in different capacities. As an individual they are required to pay income tax on the income they have earned in a financial year. If they are own a business, owner then they are liable to pay corporation tax on the profits that they have earned as a company.
An individual who makes a profit from sale of personal assets such as real estate, art, jewellery or similar belongings that are free from the principle of depreciation is liable to pay capital gains tax. This tax has to be paid when the profit earned exceeds the tax allowance of £11,100.
According to the CEO of Performance Finance, “Paying these taxes in full amount can disrupt the cash cycle of a family or an institution and leave them with insufficient funds to invest in better avenues. A tax loan aims at providing relief from this and offer our clients the facility to pay these taxes over a schedule spread according to their financial situation. This not only empowers them to invest their money for the growth of business but also prevents them from blowing up their savings for the sake of paying taxes.”
Performance finance is known to have a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of financial specialists who can provide their clients with the right advice when required. Performance Finance offers many types of financing apart from tax loans such as personal loans, business loans, pension loans, leasing, hire purchase, easi-lease and aged debt funding. They pride themselves on the fact that they approve applications for loans in under 24 hours and that they have a completely hassle-free process in place for funding that leaves their clients with a stress-free lending experience.
For more information on the services they offer, visit their website http://www.performancefinance.co.uk/

First Floor, 5 Kings Court
Kettering Parkway
NN15 6WJ
T: 01536 52 96 96
F: 01536 31 00 33
E: info@performancefinance.co.uk