Success at BIOS Conference with inspirational guest speakers and hundreds of delegates championing business in Scotland

It was a successful day at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh; around 270 delegates from businesses across the country attended talks and seminars on Scotland’s import and export markets. The full day conference, which took place last Thursday, was met with enthusiasm from all parties, generating a fresh outlook on trade and business in and around Scotland.

The VIP talks began with Paul Grant, director at Mackays. Paul’s talk exemplified the potential of Scottish heritage as a brand and inspired the delegates with the story of his company and his established career.

Healthy seaweed connoisseurs Mara Seaweed spoke next with entrepreneur Fiona Houston’s fascinating journey of her company’s progression, giving valuable advice to other new businesses; ‘be brave, be resilient, and enjoy it!’

Other speakers offered listeners information on Brexit and what it means for Scottish trade. Lord Andrew Dunlop discussed the UK government’s latest plans and strategies to help and support businesses in what is expected to be a time of constant change and development. Professor Graeme Roy gave a detailed and fascinating report where he outlined the latest developments in growth statistics following the UK’s departure from the EU.

Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of Business for Scotland gave an informed and charismatic speech on Brexit and brought along export business experts Tom Barrie and Allan Porter to offer their observations and experiences of the recent government changes.

The afternoon provided delegates with the opportunity to attend two out of three different seminars on international e-commerce, finance, and the internet. Emil Stickland, director at Thrive Digital, stressed the importance of being different in the international market, not just competing on cost. Whilst Graham Dodgson from The Bridge Group outlined successful action plans for online business and explained how the internet’s dominance across the sectors will expand even further.

Organisers were commended by the delegates for the smooth running and overall value of the event for offering ‘fantastic networking opportunities’, as well as providing people with a space to exhibit their work.

There will be a full report on the conference to follow soon outlining the various business tips and advice in more detail.

If you are interested in a ticket for next year, please sign up here: