weighted jump rope

What should the right weighted skipping rope have

It has been said a lot about the differences between regular speed ropes and weighted skipping ropes, however just a little was written about what should the right weighted skipping rope have. 
The first necessary…

 Weighted skipping rope for fat-loss

 Many people these days consider the fat-loss as their main goal while exercising. How is actually it with skipping rope and loosing belly fat? It it really necessary to keep some horrible diets or…

Why should you start skipping rope

A lot of people are looking for a miracle tools which could help them to get in shape in extremely short period of time. The problem is obvious – it is not working like that….

How skipping rope helped me to lose body-fat

By Linda Parker
February 20, 2016

Manchester, UK – I had a major problem for a few last months – I couldn’t lose any body-fat no matter how often and how hard I exercised. The change came…