MyPartTime announces today the official launch of their innovative job board, dedicated in matching candidates to part time jobs by availability. Its tailored search function allows jobseekers to find their next part time job by filtering adverts based on the days and times they wish to work.
In a saturated industry amongst a sea of general job boards, MyPartTime was set up to fill an evident gap in the part time job market by introducing something so simple yet effective. Candidates can tailor their job search to only produce jobs that match when they are able to work.
Research has shown an increase in the number of job seekers looking for part time work, possibly looking for increased flexibility or perhaps just to supplement their income. Many people are unable to work full time due to family commitments and require a part time job to slot in and around their current situation.
Liz Rodgers, co-founder of MyPartTime, explains: “With the cost of living ever increasing, along with the difficulty many young people face in becoming homeowners, I didn’t think I would be able to afford my own home (especially in the Borough of Lewisham). I had to take on a part time job to supplement my full time income just to build a sizeable deposit and finally get onto the housing ladder. Having a full time job meant that I had to find part time jobs to fit around this and I often had to trawl through lots of irrelevant job listings that clashed with my current schedule. MyPartTime solves this problem by offering our job seekers the option to filter jobs based on their exact availability, saving them valuable time by only showing relevant part time vacancies.”
About MyPartTime:
MyPartTime is an ingenious new job board which aims to aid the search for quality part time jobs tailored to the availability of job seekers. For more information on MyPartTime, visit us online at