Stephanie Julia Fisher – Setting Trends with her Vision Board talks!!!

I am sure we all have hopes, dreams and aspirations to do something incredible but have you ever felt stuck? You start off the year with all that enthusiasm and 3 months into the year you can not even remember what you set out to do as life takes over. Or have you been to some energising gym class and got excited about getting your health back and signed up to a gym membership for the year and never went back? Okay we have all been there. Now I’m sure you have heard about Vision Boards/ Dream Boards/Picture Boards as it pertains to goals. This is not a new thing with celebrities like Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith talking about the law of attraction. However, this topic is now setting trends with everyday people like Stephanie Julia Fisher who have climbed the ladder of success simply by applying these principles into her everyday life. Stephanie Julia Fisher is setting trends with this phenomena as she moved from average to exceptional. Now, travelling around the world, carrying out motivational talks, modelling in Fashion Week and inspiring a whole generation within just 8months she has captured the hearts of many. It all started with a pen, paper, magazine, scissors and sticky tape. She wrote out her goals for the next 5 years, found pictures that represented them well, stuck it framed it and hang it on her bedroom wall. She set out to take out 1 hour a day to work on 1 of the goals. 8 months later this young lady has accomplished more within these months than she ever did in all her years!!!! Yes, you heard me! Needless to say she is highly motivated, bubbly, positive and spends a lot of her timing reading inspiring authors such as Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Eric Thomas and Tony Robbins…..

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