“The Genesis of Nature and the Nature of Genesis” by Norman Parker is published

“The Genesis of Nature and the Nature of Genesis” by Norman Parker is published

A Schoolmaster looks at Evolution and Creation

About the Book:

Creation and Evolution are topics which raise some serious questions:
How did Nature start? (What is the real “origin of species”?)
Were living things created by God, or did they evolve? (or both?)
How long ago did it all happen? What do the fossils actually tell us?
Why are we still arguing about Darwin 130 years after his death?
These questions are from a grey area where science, philosophy and religious belief overlap. The scientists themselves do not agree about the answers.
This beginning of Nature: is it a matter of Revelation, or Folk Tale, or science? How much of the science of the past is “Just So story”?
The aim of the book is to unscramble ideas and make some suggestions, rather than to convert the reader to a particular view.

Excerpt from the Book:

“What is it about Darwin?” Unlike most other biological theories, Darwinism has changed from being a science to being a philosophy. From everything that I have read by him, or about him, I believe that Darwin himself would have been most unhappy about this state of affairs. Another Nineteenth Century thinker, often compared with Darwin, is Karl Marx. Marx is said to have remarked, “All I know is that I am not a Marxist.” Perhaps Darwin, given the chance, would likewise say, “All I know is that I am not a Darwinist.”

About the Author:

After 40 years of teaching biology to bright A level students, Norman Parker has some feel for which parts of evolution theory make good sense and which parts give special difficulty. He has friends of every shade of opinion – from staunch Darwinists at one end of the spectrum to enthusiastic creationists at the other – so he has got to know “the bits that really matter”.

The Genesis of Nature and the Nature of Genesis by Norman Parker is available in paperback from Amazon at:


It is also available in e-book format from Amazon at:


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