UK-based Royvon Dog Hotels and Training reminds pet parents keep dogs safe and cool during summer

With another British summer in full swing, pet parents are reminded to be extra cautious in ensuring that their dogs are always kept cool to avoid fatal injuries. UK-based Royvon Dog Hotels and Training offers dog-friendly summer holiday packages as a convenient option for pet parents.

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Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales (July 27, 2015) – As UK basks in the heat of the summer, pet parents are reminded to take extra precautions in keeping their dogs cools to avoid possibly fatal injuries.

According to Royvon Dog Hotels and Training (Royvon) Owner Darren James, dogs can be prone to heat stroke if not properly monitored.

“Dogs don’t understand that they could get injured from prolonged exposure to heat or high temperature,” James said. “It’s up to us, pet parents, to make sure they get plenty of water throughout the whole day and to restrain them from engaging in physical activity during the hottest parts of the day.”

James also reiterated an important advice for pet parents who travel with their pets: Do not ever leave them inside a locked car, even with the windows open. “Dogs feel the heat just as much as we do. We certainly don’t want to be left locked in a car on a hot summer day, and the same principle definitely applies to our dogs.”

To help pet parents and their dogs ward off the heat, Royvon is offering dog-friendly summer holiday packages which include a summer activity favourite—swimming.

Swimming has been cited by canine health experts as an efficient form of exercise for dogs because a minute of this popular water sport is already equivalent to 4 minutes of walking. As in humans, swimming also helps improve muscular strength and cardiovascular and respiratory resistance in dogs.

Royvon’s dog-friendly holidays in swimming pools and other activity packages are conducted in purpose-built facilities for dogs so pet parents can be assured that the facilities are designed specially and primarily for their pets.

Royvon’s activity packages can be purchased as top-ups whenever pet parents bring their dogs to any one of its three locations for boarding—Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales which is also the headquarters, Coventry in West Midlands and Esher in Surrey.

UK-based Royvon has been in the dog boarding and training industry for more than 50 years. Their popular dog hotels are a popular destination for pet parents who want to give their dogs a luxurious pet holiday. Royvon is also renowned for their comprehensive and intensive dog training programmes that address various behavioural issues among canines.

For more information about Royvon’s summer-friendly dog activities, visit


UK-based Royvon Dog Hotels and Training reminds pet parents keep dogs safe and cool during summer