Using a body pillow during pregnancy

Body pillows are becoming increasingly popular amongst pregnant women due to the fact that they support the ankles, back and knees, three things that pregnant women struggle with, especially during later pregnancy. If you are thinking of buying a body pillow for these reasons but are a bit apprehensive to do so then have a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your pillow and sleep in comfort too. We recommend having a look at and having a look at their best body pillows to get a better idea of what’s available to you.

Firstly, not all body pillows are the same, they come in many different shapes and sizes so it’s important to figure out which one will be best for you beforehand. There are three main types of body pillow; The U-Shape- a pillow that curves around your whole body, the L-Shape- a long straight pillow or the J-Shape- A mix of both the U and L shape but slightly smaller. Each one of these pillows has different qualities that relieve different joint pains and areas of the body. We recommend figuring out which areas you are struggling with most before purchasing a new product as this will help you make sure you get the support you need.

If you are experiencing pain or aches in just one or two areas of your body then we recommend using the J-Shape pillow due to the fact that it is smaller than both the L and the U-Shape. Its small size means it can be easily placed under your belly or back, between your knees or under your head. It’s also ideal for travel purposes too.

If the problem is general aches and pains all over your body or difficulty falling asleep then either the U-Shape or the L-Shape pillow will be more fitting. This is because these types of pillows offer more all over support, especially in the back and chest area. They also encourage the body to fall asleep on its side which is a more natural, healthy way to rest.

Another feature we recommend looking out for is a pillow that’s stuffed quite thickly. This firmness will allow for more support, especially during the later stages of pregnancy. If you choose a pillow that doesn’t have this then you will struggle to keep your belly and your full weight off the mattress which will cause more back and joint pain.

Another handy feature to consider in your new body pillow is a removable cover. This is something that often gets overlooked when purchasing a body pillow but it’s a key factor into making your life easier. It’s very likely that you will continue to use your body pillow long after pregnancy, if this is the case then you must remember that babies are messy little things! Having a removable cover for your new body pillow will make the process of being a new mom a whole lot easier. Trust us, you will thank us in the long run!

So there we have it, hopefully these buying guides and sleeping tips will help you when making your new body pillow purchase. have created a list of the 5 best body pillows as well as the 5 best body pillow brands so make sure you take a look at their favorite choices before making a final decision.


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